About Us

We have two young kids who will be 7 and 5 this year. We love them to pieces, but their attention spans are super short. We also love the scriptures and Come, Follow Me manuals and know that they are inspired, so since our kids are so young, we’ve tried to come up with ways to teach them the weekly scriptures and lessons from the manuals in fun and meaningful ways that will keep their attention. Feel free to use all or parts of these however you would like. Since I’m a full-time elementary teacher and my husband has a crazy evening work schedule, we usually do a main lesson on Sundays with sometimes one or two smaller parts of the lesson sprinkled into other days of the week (and do just plain scripture reading each day). It could also be beneficial to spread these out and do a little each day, but the great thing about the Come Follow Me curriculum is that you can do it however works best for your own family and kids that you teach.

Copy Editor: Annie Edwards